Traditional Medicine Courses in Yeovil

Fun, hands-on workshops for your health and well-being



Practical Workshops

I am a holistic health practitioner in Yeovil with over 30 years experience in practice. I offer traditional acupuncture and western herbal medicine, informed by a gentle, natural, and powerful approach to healing and wellness. My ultimate aim is to help you live a healthier, happier and more fulfilled and active life.

Throughout the year, I run various events, workshops and traditional medicine courses in Yeovil. Each event is aimed at giving you the knowledge and practical tools to make herbal remedies that can benefit you and your family, empowering you to take control of your own health and wellbeing.

Traditional medicine courses in Yeovil are designed to be fun, informative, practical and interactive. I want you to leave with the tools and confidence to identify, harvest and experiment with the herbs you have used in each workshop. You will receive handouts at the end of each course with the information we've covered plus recipes and safety information. Please note that any contraindications will be highlighted in the handouts you receive.



Create an Immune-Boosting Herbal Tonic

You will learn how to make a safe, powerful, immune boosting 'Fire Cider' tonic based on garlic, horseradish, ginger, apple cider vinegar and medicinal herbs. We will discuss the history and benefits of fire cider vinegars and look at the medicinal properties of each of the ingredients. You will go home with the tonic you've made, the recipe and information about the ingredients.

Date:                    Time: 2-4pm   Cost: £40 (includes ingredients)



Create a Herbal Vinegar for Bone Health and Strength

You will learn how to make a safe, mineral-rich, medicinal vinegar to use daily. We will discuss dietary, herbal and exercise strategies to support bone health and look at the medicinal properties of each of the ingredients. You will go home with the tonic you've made, the recipe and information about the ingredients.

Date:   TBC   Time:   TBC   Cost:   TBC

holistic health practitioner in Yeovil and Somerset


Crafting a Herbal Infusion

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a herbal tea and an infusion? Come and learn how to make a medicinal herbal infusion that tastes great and supports and nourishes your body. We will taste the herbs individually and experiment with different combinations: eg. ones that calm anxiety, soothe digestion or energise and invigorate you. You will go home with your own tailormade dried herb mix plus recipes and information to support you in continuing your own explorations at home.

Date:   TBC   Time:   TBC   Cost:   TBC


Please use my contact page if you'd like to book in

If there are no dates for the traditional medicine courses in Yeovil that you'd like to attend then please let me know you're interested.

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Sarah Hitchens

BA Hons. Lic.Ac. Dip.Ac. MBAcC. Dip.Med.Herb. MNIMH

Somerset, East Devon and West Dorset


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