What I Offer




A combination of gentle but powerful treatments to address your unique health concerns

Individualised Treatments

One of the great strengths of herbal medicine and acupuncture is that treatment is specifically designed for each individual's unique set of health challenges. Focussing on both symptoms and the root causes of disease, treatment is aimed at correcting any internal imbalances and stimulating the body's natural healing abilities. Beneficial side effects of treatment include: better immunity and digestion, increased energy, deeper sleep, reduced anxiety and deeper relaxation.

As a holistic health practitioner in Yeovil I offer individualised treatments for a wide range of physical and emotional conditions using a combination of western herbal medicine, acupuncture, Chinese patent herbal remedies, moxibustion, guasha and cupping therapy alongside counselling skills and lifestyle advice. Treatments are tailored to your specific needs and can vary quite significantly between people suffering from the same condition.

A detailed case history, pulse and tongue diagnosis and your own invaluable insights about what's going on, all enable me to make sense of seemingly unrelated symptoms. In this way, treatment can produce results even if there is no official medical diagnosis. On top of this, the understanding gained from having an alternative explanation of illness can open up new perspectives and inspire a greater sense of personal engagement.

Treatment works well alongside orthodox medicine and can be helpful in relieving the side effects of medication including chemo and radio therapy. As a holistic medicine practitioner in Yeovil, I am very happy to work alongside your GP, consultant or other health practitioners and have been trained to ensure that the herbs prescribed do not interact with any current medication you take.


Conditions That Can Be Treated

Some of the conditions that can benefit from treatment are below. This is not a definitive list so please contact me to discuss your particular health condition:

  • Digestive: IBS, constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion, peptic ulcers, colitis, high cholesterol
  • Urinary: cystitis, frequency
  • Respiratory: hay fever, colds, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis
  • Endocrine: Managing Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome
  • Emotional Health: anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression
  • Skin: acne, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections
  • Circulatory: high blood pressure, varicose veins, ulcers

  • Women's Health: PMS, period pains, irregular and heavy menstruation, endometriosis, fibroids, menopausal symptoms.
  • Musculoskeletal: back ache, gout, arthritis, sciatica
  • Men's health: BPH, urinary conditions, stress, infertility
  • Side effects of medication, chemo & radiotherapy
  • Children: tonsillitis, glue ear, colitis, diarrhoea, constipation
  • Chronic fatigue, vertigo


person mixing medicinal herbs in metal bowls



I offer herbal medicine consultations as well as acupuncture and herbal medicine together. Each on their own are powerful and effective, however, in combination, they work synergistically to maximise their effects. Eg. regular acupuncture treatment for inflammatory gut issues can be greatly enhanced by a twice daily prescription of a soothing, restorative herbal powder or infusion. As your holistic medicine practitioner in Yeovil I will discuss the most effective way forward with you to achieve your goals.

You can choose to have a call with me before your initial consultation to chat through things and to give you the opportunity to ask any questions. If you choose to go ahead then I book you in for a 1.5 hr initial consultation. This involves a detailed case history which includes your current, past and family medical history, current medication, diet, lifestyle, a physical examination if relevant, a blood pressure reading and pulse and tongue diagnosis.

Following your initial consultation, appointments are scheduled either weekly or fortnightly. As your health improves, the frequency of your appointments decrease. You may then choose to return seasonally for preventative treatment. Herbal appointments can also take place online.

Herbal Medicine   Acupuncture



Lifestyle changes

Manageable lifestyle changes that support your well-being can be a key part of the healing process. Together, we can create an effective and flexible self-care practice that you feel confident & comfortable to follow, focussing on diet, exercise, relaxation, breathing, mindset, hydration, sleep, fun and creativity.

As your holistic medicine practitioner in Yeovil, I offer you the option of health mentoring calls or emails between treatments to support you emotionally in making lifestyle changes.





1.5hr Initial consultation

Cost: £75. This includes your first acupuncture treatment.

45 min Acupuncture Treatment

Cost: £58

Cost of Herbs

This usually works out at about £10 - £15/week

Tinctures / glycerites / bespoke vinegars: £10 / 100ml

Creams / ointments: £8 for 30g and £16 for 60g

Dried herbs: £6 / 50g. £12 / 100g

Capsules: £15 / 100 capsules   Powders: £12 / 100g

Sprays: £12 / 100ml

Cancellations with less than 24 hrs notice are charged at half the cost of the appointment.


Herbal Medicine

1.5hr Initial consultation

Cost: £75

30 min Herbal follow up (in-person, Zoom or 'phone)

Cost: £35

15 min Herbal follow up (Zoom or 'phone only)

Cost: £20

NB. Cost of herbs is in addition to herbal consultation fee.


Would You Like to Know More?





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Sarah Hitchens

BA Hons. Lic.Ac. Dip.Ac. MBAcC. Dip.Med.Herb. MNIMH

Somerset, East Devon and West Dorset


National Institute of Medical herbalists logo

British Acupuncture Council Member logo



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